Predetermined Paths, Reincarnated Souls: 
The Eternal Dance of Destiny

Roderick Millington

Coming Soon!

Published by Mercury Book Publishing, Predetermined Paths, Reincarnated Souls: The Eternal Dance of Destiny is the first book since Konstantin Raudive’s groundbreaking bestseller Breakthrough in 1971 to provide readers with access to disembodied voices from another dimension. 

However, this is not merely a technical exploration; it is a deeply personal journey through the most traumatic period of the author’s life. During this time, he utilised his psychic abilities to communicate with the spirit world and recorded their comments and responses.

This is a true story of love and suffering, loss and sadness, detailing the communication between the dead and the living, alongside a spiritual odyssey that encompasses a past life investigation in 17th-century Sicily, the presence of a phantom monk, clairvoyance from several of Britain’s finest psychic mediums, precognitive dreams, and the concept of predetermination, which suggests that we are all merely actors in a grand play, with our lives seemingly scripted. In an honest and unvarnished account, the author also shares the mental health challenges that accompany being psychic while navigating the tumultuous waters of a fractured relationship. 

As one psychic medium remarked during a reading she gave to the author, “There’s almost a kind of magical ritual—a thread of reincarnation, yes, but also a kind of time slip. It’s really beyond my knowledge, and in my thirty years of being a psychic medium, I’ve never come across anything like this.”

The invitation here is not to accept blindly, but to embrace a spirit of inquiry. In doing so, you will not only discover an extraordinary story but also gain the opportunity to hear some of the voices through the website. This opens a space for the mystery and wonder of life’s deeper dimensions to reveal themselves, perhaps challenging your perceptions and enriching your understanding of reality. 

You can hear voices from the book below.

"Scared for him, I'm screaming." This was a voice of a woman's soul fearing for a friend who was going through a major life challenge.
"Remember you're a monk."  This was a spirit communication given to me to remind me of my spiritual heritage when I was moving off-track!
TDC and Channelling
"Leaving organ there was more human"

This message came from Gary, now in spirit, using the medium, myself, as a direct channel.

Gary had passed away following an aneurism at the age of 42.  His relatives were asked by the hospital if they would consider donating his organs. They were unsure as to whether Gary wanted this to happen, but after much thought and discussion decided to give their consent.

However,  they were looking for confirmation that Gary was happy with their decision, and when I put the question to spirit he came through immediately with the answer - he was indeed happy with the decision.

The 'mechanics' of this message involved myself channelling Gary's response,. In this instance,  it meant reversing my voice when I was asking the question. The response could then be heard by the entire family.

This is just one way in which spirit manipulate and modulate sound in order to communicate.

Spirit Voices

 "In Heaven, we love you." This was a spirit voice that appeared out of nowhere on the computer one morning.

 "India, the Problem is you're Christian" 
Upon returning from, and loving, India, I was given this message after wondering why I didn't get the spiritual 'kick' so many people do when they visit that magical country.

"Listen, listen Roderick, you must acknowledge me." This is my guide, the monk, when he first got in touch through TDC.

Spirit Voices

"Now seeing its influence." A spirit commenting on karma and a past life of someone having a TDC session.
 "This is Heaven, good morning." Spirit saying 'hello' at the start of a TDC session.
 "I am for Caleb." The spirit voice of a woman announcing that she wanted to speak to her husband, Caleb.
 "What a pretty girl." We still notice these things in Heaven!

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